You are here: About document types > Creating and editing document types > Configuring title block updates

Configuring title block updates

To configure the Title Blocks page options:

  1. In Configurator, expand Document Types in the configuration tree to display the existing document types.
  2. Select the document type that you want to configure. The document type’s property pages appear in the right pane.
  3. On the Title Blocks page, click the Edit button.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Title block update options
Option Description

Perform automatic title block updates

Select this option if you want title block updates to be performed on this document type under any of the circumstances listed as the other options on this page.

Read title block properties

Select options that represent the circumstances under which you want Meridian properties to be updated from the document’s title block. The Meridian properties that are updated are configured as described in Configuring standard title block synchronization.

Write title block properties

Select options that represent the circumstances under which you want the document’s title block to be updated from the Meridian properties. The title block attributes that are updated are configured as described in Configuring standard title block synchronization.


Synchronize the title blocks in all layouts

Documents with this type might contain multiple sheets, each of which are a separate layout with a separate title block that has different values. For information about configuring title block synchronization for this document type, see Synchronizing multiple blocks per drawing.
  1. Click the OK button to save your changes.

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